February 24, 2019

We all know we should be exercising, but on those cold winter days when you want to sit by the fire or those warm summer evenings when you’d rather be in the beer garden, why should you get your trainers on and exercise?

1. Being Happy

Exercise improves mood & reduces stress

The desire to be happy is universal and sadly mental health issues like depression are ever more prevalent. It’s estimated that depression affects as many as 121 million adults worldwide with some reports suggesting that by 2020 it may become the first or second leading cause of disease. Exercise has been shown in many studies to reduce depression, most of the studies are on aerobic exercise, but some have been done for resistance (weight) training too and have had positive results.

Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin, as well as reducing cortisol. Some days you may not feel like getting your trainers on but it’s a rare thing to get to the end of an exercise session and say, 'I wish I didn't do that', normally you instantly feel a 'buzz', you feel energised, motivated and happy with yourself.

(If you are suffering from feelings of depression anxiety etc. please make sure you speak to your doctor.)

2. Brain Power

Exercise improves memory

As crazy as it sounds exercise improves memory and has been shown to increase grey matter in the area of the brain that is associated with memory and emotion. Not only that but none of us are getting any younger (big sigh), and exercise helps to protect against cognitive decline linked to ageing.  

It’s not just us older folks that benefit either!! It has even been shown that active children perform better at verbal perceptual and arithmetic tests.

3. The Body Beautiful

Exercise shapes and tones your body

The body beautiful doesn’t mean you have to look like some Instagram fitness model; it is about whatever you are trying to achieve with your body – toning up, losing fat, putting on more weight, shaping your body and what ever your body goals exercise is the way to get what you want.

The days of spending hours doing soul-destroying cardio on the treadmill are gone. Exercise can be almost anything that gets your heart rate up, from running to horse riding, skiing, squash, weight lifting, boxing, sex, the main things are that you get out of breath/sweaty and you enjoy what you are doing.

For all round toning, health and fitness then resistance training (using weights) will shape, tone and give you more muscle, which means that you can eat more food or lose more body fat.

4. So Sticks & Stones Don't Break Your Bones

Exercise strengthens bones

We all need strong bones, but it is particularly important for women as osteoporosis is a significant health issue, with the risk increasing post menopause as oestrogen levels drop.

You might think that your bones don’t change, but they do, they are just like muscles, they are living, and they adapt to the pressures that you place on them.

High impact exercise as well as having a good diet are will help to keep your bones strong. Like many things, prevention is better than cure, so start to look after your bones as early as you can and keep on going…if you are approaching/around the menopause and are not exercising now is the time to start.

5. Be A Dream Catcher

Exercise will help you get better quality sleep improving deep sleep which helps to boost immune function, control stress and much more.

Exercise, especially when it is part of a regular routine also helps you to get more sleep, and the benefits of sleep are a whole blog of their own (or a book), but to give you some brief highlights; sleep is essential for your wellbeing, your health, your memory function, your body shape and so much more.



The 101 Plan will change your life! Step by step, month by month we help you to be the healthiest, happiest you that you can be.

The 101 Plan is the only guide you will need to transform your body, lose weight, tone up and get fit; but if we stopped there we would be letting you down!

Your happiness is about more than how much you weigh or your dress size! And that is why The 101 Plan is about all of you, helping you stress-less, feel amazing, finding the time and confidence to love yourself and your body.


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